Banana Bread

Banana Bread
This is a recipe for one of the most sought after recipes. People tend to look for this recipe more than fore normal bread or other yeast pastries. It is simple but delicious. So, why not give it a try?
Today we will be making something right from Home. It is not entirely certain when or where exactly banana bread first appeared, but the recipe started showing up in cookbooks by the early 1930s. It is, probably, one of the most sought after bread recipes. People tend to make it before they even think about getting into white bread or other yeast breads. Banana bread is not only delicious and full of vitamins, it is also the perfect way to get rid of those mushy bananas that no one wants to eat anymore but that are, technically, still good. Banana bread can be eaten with anything from whipped cream to jam or, my personal favorite, peanut butter. It is an easy to follow recipe but the result will have everyone awed.



  • 3 Bananas
  • 1 beaten Egg
  • 150g Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp Borbon Vanilla
  • 80g Butter
  • 200g Flour


  1. Beat the butter with an electric mixer until smooth.
  2. Add in the sugar and vanilla.
  3. In a separate bowl, mash the bananas using a fork.
  4. Add the banana into the butter mixture and mix well. Add the egg.
  5. Integrate the bakinjg powder into the flour and spoon it into the mixture, mixing well to avoid clumbs.
  6. Spread some butter over the inside of a bakin pan and pour in the batter spreading it well.
  7. Bake at 175 ºC for 50 minutes or until the toothpick come out clean.
  8. Turn the pan onto a cooling rack and leave to cool down.
  9. Serve and enjoy!


Sugar: If you prefer sweeter banana bread, feel free to add another 50g of sugar or, if what you are looking for is less sweetness, use 50g less.

Cinnamon: Feel free to add cinnamon to futher expand the flavour.

Serving: Serve this dish with whatever you like best. There is thousands of options.



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